Sunday, April 22, 2012


I was walking the mail to the post office at work and on my way saw the first rose of spring. It was just simple and lovely.
Secondly, I got my first ever pedicure (I also got a manicure but I've had my nails done quite a few times). This was big for me because I have odd toes I've never wanted to highlight.
When I was 14 on a mission trip I got a bad toe nail from wearing wet boots all day (we had a 2 week boot camp training that involved getting wet and muddy and staying that way all day). Once we got to Honduras, it was very painful. My team leader took me to the doctor in Tegucigalpa and he thought it best to remove the whole nail. When I got home months later it did not come back in right so my parents had to take me for a second procedure. It never looked itself again and it's been a shame on my vanity for years. I did not wear sandals till my 20's. I hated that toe.
So there was no point in a pedicure. Over the 15 years I've been married to Rick he tells me how beautiful my feet are and I slowly have come out of my shell. The fact is, I love flip flops! I'm too old to regret what I could do nothing about, and too refined to care about opinions. So, I started out with a pale pink/nude polish. Next time I may have to go a little braver!
This is my story, I wear my story.
So, yeah for first's!!!

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