Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why I'm Considering Just Culinary Blogging

I've been really thinking a lot about blogging.  So many times I want to write about my convictions and my thoughts on world and life issues and lately, I keep feeling led not to do so. I'm starting to realize that my convictions are best shared with people close to me in life, face to face.  Those who know me and can hear me, speak back to me, and pick up conversation built upon relationship.  I've wanted to blog about my convictions on some very hot topics now days in politics and religion, some family topics, and many personal topics.  Every time I feel the Lord leading me not to.   I've also realized lately that my life has become quite unbloggable!!!  Things going on with my kids are becoming more and more personal for them.  They are no longer little toddlers of whom I can report successful potty training without them knowing they should be embarrassed their name and potty were used in the same sentence to the world lol.  Many of my thoughts regarding my closest relationships are really not bloggable either.  That is not to say they are bad, but they are very personal.  The little reports on our family, and pictures shared are just fine on Facebook.  I may post that my daughter started High School and show a cute picture but I'm not going to tell you all about her new little guy friend unless you want to talk to me in person!  lol
Many things too I feel are just becoming soap boxes for me.  If I were to blog about them, I'd just be pushing my point of view.  The greatest convictions are the ones you don't have to prove are right to others.  There are some who are called to that mission, but I'm not one of them.  So, if you ever want to come by or message me, I'd love to have some great discussion as to my convictions but I'm not led to blog about any of it.

So, really, my passion or hobby if you like, is food.  I love learning about food.  The thing I love about it is that it's a passion that blesses my family.  The last few months that I've been working I've had a hard time caring for my family in this way.  I resolved a little while back to get better on that and I have.  I love that my husband likes watching food programs with me like Gordon Ramsay because it's a way for him to get excited about it too.  He has become quite the food critic when we go out!  I love that.  I realize there are soooo many food blogs out there but perhaps anyone I know would like to see what I share personally.  I love taking pics too and this will give me energy to do that as well.  I guess you could say, I've decided to put more energy into this productive hobby that I can love, and my family can love enjoying.  Or at least I hope they can enjoy it.  There will be nights where the gaspacho is too spicy and all I get is funny faces.  At least it keeps me energized to engage my talents toward those I love.  If anyone benefits or has fun just looking at possible ideas, I'd be happy.

So, since this blog has a domain that will not fit my goal.  I will be changing the blog address. I was really excited this domain was not being used.  It was the title I wanted for my blog put right into the address.  I'm amazed it was avaliable!

Go to:  The Passionate Palate 

Do me a favor...KK?  Can you post here if you are at all interested in following this journey of mine?  I'd be encouraged to know who would be interested.  Thanks!  


  1. Very interested! We are on a food journey ourselves so I love to check out food stuff. I'll look forward to some new food culture as your Mexican/South Cali menu meshes with our Canadian and (highly altered) Mennonite offerings :)

    1. Sounds good! Are you blogging your adventures?

  2. I'll follow ya where ever you go ;-) !

    I love your family and conviction type posts, as I've told you before, I'm more of a quiet thinker and love to soak in the input of others to bounce off of what I believe...but I understand your reasons not to share as much in this season. AND I also love the food topic. Joshua LOVES food, and I aspire to make our dinner fare much more exciting, especially now that all the monkeys are in school all day. See ya over there!!

    1. Thanks Karen! Yeah, it's just all too real!! lol I wish we lived closer so we could have more of those discussions in person :)

  3. Of course I'm interested! And, I've loved hearing about your family and your soapboxes, too. :) Wish we lived closer so we could chat in person and I won't miss out on all of those issues. But I completely respect and understand why you've decided not to blog those things. Always listen to God's leading! Anyway, I'll be following you over at Passionate Palate - GREAT name, BTW!!

    1. Thanks Erin! I look forward to sharing culinary goodness! :)
