His cooking is so natural and perfect. I don't like his mouth but I think a lot of that is show. There are many sides to him that you see on different shows so if you only know him from "Hell's Kitchen" please look around for more of his stuff. My friend Laura told me to watch his show on Hulu "The F Word". I was immediately not sure with the title but the F word is "food". Yes, he knew it would draw attention, or someone in his marketing did.
Anyway, I have been wanting to try to make risotto for the longest time. It's just an Italian way of making rice but it's a little complicated in that you add the liquid one ladle at a time and have to really baby it as it cooks. One of the most popular risottos are with one of mine and Rick's favorite ingredients, mushrooms. It also contains one of our other favorite ingredients, Parmesan cheese. So, I'm gong to try to make a basic mushroom risotto. I got really inspired when I found a five lb. bag of Arborio rice, used to make risotto, at the grocery discount for three bucks.
One his show, "The F Word", Gordon adds a spoonful of creme fraiche to the risotto. I have always wanted to know what this and I not only found out but found out a cheaper way to make it here:
I made mushroom risotto a few years ago. It turned out well. I'm not sure I got the rice perfect, since on all the cooking shows they say it's easy to make it too mushy. We all liked it. The flavor was great. That is a great deal on the Arborio rice! Wish I could find it for that cheap! Looking forward to how yours turns out.